Telerecovery Services

Reimagined Connection: Telerecovery Services

Connecting to recoverees is more important than ever. We've partnered with Twilio to reimagine telehealth services specific for recovery support providers. Introducing RecoveryLink™ telerecovery!

HIPAA Compliant Video, Voice, and SMS

Integrated directly into the RecoveryLink™ electronic recovery record, our Twilio powered telerecovery services power direct engagement with recoverees via video, voice, or SMS/texting.

Connect Easily, Without Data Plans

Recoverees don't always have access to unlimited data or WiFi, and RecoveryLink™ telerecovery services don't require it, with HIPAA compliant voice calling and texting only needing a phone number to work seamlessly. Data not an issue? Video calling is available and included in the core telerecovery module.

Intelligent Number Provisioning

The RecoveryLink™ platform automatically provisions unique phone numbers for each staff member, with an area code that matches your organization's location. Save money on phone plans and ensure your calls and messages are answered by using phone numbers your participants are familiar with.

The Ease Of Telehealth, The Power of Recovery

RecoveryLink™ HIPAA compliant video sessions are delivered in a familiar format to staff and participants, complete with waiting rooms, microphone and video muting, and SMS participant reminders when a video session has been started by staff.

Ready to join the digital revolution?